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Muscle Media

Bill Phillips Muscle Media Magazine

Muscle Media Magazine was launched by Bill Phillips in 1996, with the promise to not be swayed by any form of advertorial influence – a tall order for a magazine that was spawned out of the supplement industry.

Initially titled as MM 2000, or MM2K, the magazine then moved to the more bare Muscle Media. The magazines promoted Met-Rx products initially and in turn made Met-Rx the best selling supplement of that era.

Phillips also worked with the controversial Dr. Scott Connelly of Met-Rx in the initial phases of the magazine and some noted that the magazine was merely a vehicle for Met-Rx sales (reference, for instance, the book Muscles, Speed and Lies). EAS products were later promoted and Phillips owned EAS as well.

However, Muscle Media had a strong writing staff that benefited it greatly. Many bodybuilders and readers of the magazine felt that the strongest pillar in the Muscle Media publication program was its main writer and eventually editor-in-chief, TC Luoma, one of the finest fitness writers around (and now working at T-Nation/Testosterone Magazine online in the same capacity).

Luoma's sharp and smart writing, along with key interviews of top bodybuilders and nutrition experts, made Muscle Media Magazine a rapidly rising star. It also propelled some of the featured interviewees into the national limelight (such as the "Fat Guru", Udo Erasmus and others).

Unfortunately the star burnt out almost as quickly. The magazine eventually moved into a "Body for Life" or more generalized fitness approach, which cost it the hard core consumers.

The magazine began to feature body transformation contests. Some observed that the magazine, in its final years, attempted to become all things to everyone and in doing so lost its hard core edge.

Muscle Media Magazine is no longer around, although you can find many of its interview and other articles online if you look a bit and some of the articles are well worth reading.

For more information go to Muscle Media back issues.

If you have written any bodybuilding magazine articles, or would like to write an article to add to our site, please email us. You will be given full credit for the article, and will help the site grow. The articles can be on training, supplementation, nutrition, or anything which is bodybuilding related. If you own a bodybuilding related website, please exchange links with us.

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